I have embarked on a new journey in my fitness; weight lifting. This past week I began a new program called LIIFT4 which is focused on heavy lifting with hiit and core work mixed in. I have decided to chronical my journey for myself but, also, for you all! See what I thought about my first week of the new program…
AM THOUGHTS – As excited as I am to begin LIIFT4, I am extremely nervous about it, as well. I’m not nervous about the lifting, I’m actually pretty ready for that part. I want to start building muscles that I can see. I’m really more nervous about the HIIT aspect of it. I’m afraid my body won’t do what I want it to do and I’m afraid that I will feel like a failure.
MID-DAY THOUGHTS – Doodlebug was impossible to get laid down for a nap. I feel exhausted. I know I have been burning the candle at both ends while we have been at Mom and Dad’s, but this fighting to get her to nap really wears on me. It’s more mentally and emotionally draining than physical, but I feel like I’ve been buried. My plan was to workout during nap time, but I am drained….I guess I’ll try to squeeze it in this evening. But I WILL get it in today. I will start this program strong.
EVENING THOUGHTS – I enjoy visiting with my family, but it is so hard with food choices when not everyone understands the lifestyle changes the girls and I have been making. I couldn’t wait to get my workout in.
Thankfully, Mom helped me get the girls cleaned up and ready for bed tonight so I could get my workout in before it got too terribly late. So ready for bed.
+ Workout Thoughts +
chest/triceps – liift 50/50: HIIT was so hard! I feel like I held on pretty good though. I’m feeling positive about this program so far. I know it’s a lot of stuff I am unfamiliar with so I am doing the best I can to learn quickly. Used a combo of 3 and 10-pound weights today. I may need to up my weights a little.
breakfast: potatoes O’Brien and scrambled eggs
snack: Zija plant protein shake with banana and PB
lunch: taco salad
snack: —–
dinner: gluten-free pizza & peppercinis
supplements: Zija XM+
AM THOUGHTS – Getting my workout in early today so I don’t have to stress about getting it in the rest of the day.
+ Workout Thoughts +
back/biceps – circuit: I REALLY enjoyed this workout. I honestly had no clue what a lifting circuit was before beginning, so I was fully prepared for cardio today. LOL! So glad, though, that we didn’t have any this time. But man, oh, man! Those ab exercises about killed me! I definitely felt the burn. Side note: I need to purchase heavier weights. I am apparently stronger than I thought; 3 and 10-pound weights are not enough. Did a majority of the sets with 10 lbs.
MID-DAY THOUGHTS – So glad I was able to get my workout in early: Doodlebug didn’t really want to nap again today. Started getting really hungry about 2 hours before dinner.
EVENING THOUGHTS – Not sure I planned my meals well for today. But not being home and staying at Mom & Dad’s, I have to be flexible. So I did the best I could for portioning my dinner and only eating till I was full. But man…I really wanted more soup beans. Soup beans and cornbread is one of my favorite meals! Restraint…Restraint….Restraint!
breakfast: potatoes O’Brien, scrambled eggs, 1/2 avocado
snack: ——
lunch: salad with cucumbers, grilled chicken, balsamic vinegar, and EVOO
snack: Zija plant protein (Dutch chocolate) shake with frozen strawberries
dinner: soup beans, green onion, g-free cornbread, coleslaw, decaf iced tea
supplements: Zija XM+
AM THOUGHTS – My body is achy this morning; not sure if it’s because Doodlebug climbed in the bed with me, because of last night’s workout, or both.
We are traveling today from Kentucky back to Mississippi. I’m not sure how this will work with my meals and workout. But because today is a recovery day, I get to choose an appropriate workout of my choice. I’m thinking I will squeeze in some type of yoga.
MID-DAY THOUGHTS – We are not making good time with our travel: lots of traffic, lots of potty breaks. I’m expecting that we might have to stop for the night somewhere. The goal now is to drive as far as possible while staying in a familiar area to get a hotel. Yoga in the hotel it is….I will have to find a clean hotel. My back has loosened a bit, but I still feel like I need a good pop.
Felt a little headache and hungry for protein. I grabbed a protein bar to help bring up my sugar levels and stave off hunger.
EVENING THOUGHTS – Still craving protein, so I’m eating an extra red container tonight. I’m guessing my muscles are needing some extra umph?
We were able to get out of the car a little bit today but I’m still feeling stiff and a bit tight in my back. I’ll get the girls ready for bed then find a good yoga session on BOD.
+ Workout Thoughts +
recovery – yoga: Release the Tension: a nice quick stretch so I could get the girls in the bed. A bath towel functioned as my yoga mat. This made down-dogs a little slippery, but I still feel stretched out. Cobras felt extra good tonight and happy baby showed me that my hips are incredibly tight right now. I need to remember to focus a little more on my hips later this week. I also did a few extra forward folds to help release the trouble spots in my back.
breakfast: 2 pieces of sprouted Ezekiel bread with Kerrygold butter and 2 hard-boiled eggs
snack: apple
lunch: sprouted wrap with spinach, roasted turkey, a little pepper jack cheese, and spicy mustard
snack: PB protein bar
dinner: spicy southwest salad from Chick-Fil-A, 8 count nugget, 1/2 and 1/2 tea
supplements: Zija XM+
AM Thoughts – My body still feels just as achy as before. I think it’s due to exhaustion. I’m a little disappointed in the hotel’s breakfast selection – and so are the girls – but, luckily, I bought greek yogurts for each of us before leaving Kentucky.
MID-DAY THOUGHTS – Looooooong day! We finally made it home after about 15 stops – not really, but it felt like it. I cannot wait to get the car unpacked and get my workout on.
+ Workout Thoughts +
shoulders – intervals: Took my pre-workout. I feel like I can conquer the world!
Great workout, though. Again, the ab work was a killer today. I liked the hiit in between each set of reps; it gave my shoulders a break but kept my heart rate up. And, oh my…those reverse flys! YIKES! I feel pretty comfortable in the weights I chose for each rep today. Though, I feel like 5-pound weights might be better for a couple of them.
breakfast: raspberry/blueberry Noosa, scrambled eggs
snack: apple
lunch: raisins and cashews
snack: perfect bar – original
dinner: pomegranate cranberry chopped salad, boiled eggs
supplements: energize, recover, Zija XM+
AM THOUGHTS – Alarm went off at 5:45 AM this morning. I’m testing the waters of an early morning workout. I went to get kinda late last night, so I’m not sure how this will work. I’ll drink my pre-workout before, and then by the time I get changed and everything set up, I should be good to go. Holy Smokes, this stuff makes me itch like I’m coming out of anesthesia! hahaha! I’m all good though.
After my workout, I drink my post-workout, Zija, then a shake. The kids wake up and I’m already feeling like I’ve accomplished so much by just getting my workout in first. Time to run out and get more weights.
+ Workout Thoughts +
legs – liift 50/50: Crap….let day….I really do not like leg day. *ugh* Here goes nothing.
Okay, so this isn’t as bad as a full cardio leg day. But I still hurt! Reverser lungs are the hardest lift for me today. I started the set rotation with 10-pounds, by set three, I was using 3-pound weights. The HIIT portion did not like me today. I thought my legs were going to give out on me by the time we got to high knees. My gosh….triple bears and A BEAR! HELP!!!!!! And yet again, I’m getting my butt handed to me with core work.
I’m jello….but I am super proud of my workout today. And I’m beyond thankful that I drank my energize! I’m not sure I would have made it through without it!
MID-DAY THOUGHTS – I am ravenous this afternoon! Trying to save a majority of my protein for tonight’s meal since I know we are going out for BBQ. I get in most of my fruits and all my carbs early.
EVENING THOUGHTS – I’m starting to get tired. I’m not sure if it’s because of getting up early or poor planning in my meals that’s not given me sustained energy.
breakfast: XM Protein (Dutch chocolate), almond butter, almond milk, spinach
snack: apple
lunch: greek yogurt, honey, strawberries
snack: g-free pasta, olives, spinach, hot peppers
dinner: burnt ends, salad, smoked chicken
supplements: energize, recover, Zija XM+
EVENING THOUGHTS – I was woken up extremely early this morning with a ferocious migraine. I am feeling better but tired. I am going to try to put some fluids and food in my body and just take it easy.
+ Workout Thoughts +
recovery day – foam rolling: my legs are a bit sore from Friday, so I am still working my muscles – while still taking it easy – and doing some rolling on my legs. It kind if intense, but it feels good.
dinner: spring mix salad, feta, pecans, raspberry vinaigrette, a few CFA nuggets
snack: Zija plant protein shake with almond milk, almond butter, ice and spinach
supplements: Zija XM+
AM THOUGHTS – I am so glad today is another recovery day: my body is still feeling the after-effects of yesterday’s migraine. My plan is to pump myself full of fluids and get in some yoga later.
Oh yeah….CHEAT DAY! I’ve been looking forward to this day all week, planning what I think I’ll have to eat…but no big plans now that the day is here.
EVENING THOUGHTS – The house is calm after dinner so I’m going to grab my mat and do some gentle yoga to help ease my aches. Then, early bedtime to prepare for tomorrow morning’s workout.
+ Workout Thoughts +
recovery – yoga, restore & stretch: the runner’s lunge was burning my thighs! I noticed my hips are tight and my quads need some more stretching.
breakfast: grits
lunch: sushi ( spicy crunch roll)
dinner: gluten-free pizza
supplements: Zija XM+
—–>Final Thoughts<——
What a week! I was worried how I would do beginning a new workout while out of town. But I managed just fine. And I really feel like the recovery days where my saving grace. I NEEDED those days, badly, this week.
I am super excited about next week. I already feel stronger after week one and I am curious to see how week 2 goes with my new weights.
You guys! I made it!
I actually made it through my first week of real weightlifting.
Do you lift weights? What do you think about it?
I can tell you, I LOVE it! And it’s nothing like what I thought. If you are on a health & fitness journey in your life, I would love to know what you are working on. Drop my a comment below and let me know!
And if you want to see more behind the scenes of my fitness journey, make sure you are apart of our Instagram and Facebook communities. Can’t wait to connect with Y’all!