Another week down on my new found fitness love, Liift4. I took a different approach this week to chronicle my journey. I hope Y’all like it.
My nutrition is still up in the air in week 5. I have still been keeping track of my containers. I just haven’t been writing them down like I was because I am eating when I get hungry. Which, technically, I am still following the timed-nutrition plan by eating this way because I seem to be eating every 2 hours. But I decided that this week, instead of focusing on what time I eat, to focus on eating when I feel my body getting hungry or showing signs of hunger – like headaches and feeling tired.
As for the workouts, I am still really enjoying them! That’s not to say that they are easy…because, by no means, are they easy! But I like the way I feel during the workouts and after. I feel stronger each day and I am more energized.
And guess what . . . this momma is starting to show muscles!!!! (woohoo!)
Here’s a look into week 5
*If you are ready to begin your own journey through LIIFT4 let me know and I will guide you through the process.