Welcome Tuesday! It’s Tuesday Tidbits!
1. Reading Material. My preferred reading material is a cookbook. Yeah, that’s right. I like to read cookbooks like novels. It’s mystery, drama, science, and suspense all in one. I wonder what people did back in the day; like back before recipes were written down. (bahahahaha) I know, I’m crazy.
2. Cold Pizza. I am obsessed with cold pizza. There is absolutely nothing better than a deliciously cold slice for lunch. Or better yet, BREAKFAST!
3. I live on the Yellow Brick Road… or at least I should. (I’m not crazy – at least this time – so, let me explain.) I am very surprised that the road by my house is not the yellow brick road. Why? There are a bizarre number of yellow caterpillars that try to cross the road everyday. And everyday they get smushed by passing cars. It honestly freaked me out the first time I say the road moving – at least, that’s what it looked like. Silly me thought that it was maybe something in the stone that they used when they poured the road that made it a yellow tint. So yeah, I felt crazy when I thought the road was inching across the lanes to the median. And that’s why I live, or should live, on the yellow brick road.